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Deceased reggae Artists. Although they are no longer with us, they are greatly missed, but their music will never leave us.
Below we have listed a number of deceased reggae artists and dancehall's pioneers who have passed-on.
Some was taken from us without notice, while for others it was just their time to go.
We might have missed out on some of these Icon. If we've missed anyone who deserves to be remembered here, or if you have additional relevant information on any of the ones mentioned here, please use the form below to send the information to us.
We will without delay have them added.
Names of deceased reggae artists A and B's
* Augustus Pablo — Died May 18, 1999. (Myasthenia Gravis)
* Alton Black — Died in auto crash early 1990s.
* Alton Ellis — Died on 10 October 2008. (Cancer)
* Alton Irie — Additional information requested.
* Aubrey Adams — Additional information requested.
* Baba Brooks — (Oswald F. Brooks)- Additional information requested.
* Baby Wayne — (Wayne Parkinson) — Died October 28th 2005.(Pneumonia)
* Barry Brown — Died in May 2004. (Heart Attack)
* Banana Man — Additional information requested.
* Billy Boyo — Recently reported that he died from a brain tumor in 2000. (Rumor stated that was shot dead in Kingston late 1980's.)
* Bim Sherman — (Jarrett Tomlinson) — Died November 17th 2000. (Cancer)
* Bingy Bunny — (Eric Lamont) — Died December 31, 1993. (Cancer)
* Bionic Steve — (Steve Townsend) — Died on Jan. 17, 1997. (Stabbed)
* Bob Marley — (Robert Nesta Marley)— Died May 11th 1981. (Cancer)
* Bogle Levy — (Gerald Levy) — Died January 20th, 2005. {fatally Shot}
* Brent Dowe — (the Melodians) — Died January 29, 2006. (Heart Attack)
* Byron Lee — (Byron Lee and the Dragonnaires) — Died November 4, 2008. (Cancer)
Names of deceased reggae artists C and D's
* Carl Ayton — Died December, 23rd 2001.(stroke)
* Carlton Barrett — Died in 1987.(shot)
* Cedella Marley-Booker — (Mother B, Bob Marley Mother) — Died April 8, 2008.(Natural causes)
* Charlie Ace — Died in 1980's. (Shot)
* Chris Stanley — Died 23rd October 1999.(Stroke)
* Clancy Eccles — Died on June 30, 2005. (Stroke)
* Clint O'Neil — Died Oct. 10th 2004. (Cancer)
* Count Machouki — (Winston Cooper) — Died 1995. (more information requested)
* Count Ossie — (Oswald Williams) — Died October 18th 1976. (Car Crash)
* Cynthia Schloss — (Cynthia Schloss-Blake) — Died February 25th 1999. (Heart Attack)
* Culture (joseph Hill) , Died August 19 2006. (more information requested)
* David "Black Rat" Bingham — Died July 20,2002. (shot)
* Deborah Glasgowe — Died January 25th 1994. (Cancer)
* Delroy Wilson — Died on March 6, 1995. (cirrhosis of the liver)
* Dennis Brown — (Dennis Emmanuel Brown) — Died on July 1, 1999. (respiratory failure)
* Dennis Harris (DIP Records UK) -- Died 1990's. (heart attack) more information requested
* Desmond Dekker — (Desmond Adolphus Dacres) — Died May 24, 2006. (Heart attack)
* Devon Russell — Died 18th June 1997. (Cancer)
* Dhaima — (Sandra Matthews) — Died May 9th 2000. (Drown)
* Dirtsman — (Patrick Thompson) — Died Dec 21, 1993. (shot)
* DJ Village — (Horace Pinnock) — Died November 20th 2001. (Shot)
* Don Drummond — Died May 6th 1969. (Natural causes)
* Don Taylor — Died Novenber 1st, 1999.(Heart attack)
* Drumbago — (Arkland Parks) — Died 1970's. (Natura1 causes) more information requested
* Duke Reid — (Arthur Reid) — Died in 1975. (Cancer)
* Dwayne Haughton — (Bobby Genius) — Died in 2011 (shot)
Names of deceased reggae artists E and F's
* Earl Belcher — (Founder of Jah Love Music Sound System) Died June 11th 1999. (stroke)
* Early B — (Earlando Neil) — The Doctor, Died September 11th 1994. (shot)
* Eddie Lovette — Died May 1998. (more information requested)
* Eggie Evans — (Egbert Evans) — Died July 2, 2009. (Heart Attack)
* Errol Scorcher — (Errol Archer) — Died in 1982. (shot)
* Errol "ET" Thompson — Died in 1983.(more information requested)
* Everton DaSilva — Died in 1979. (shot)
* Fathead — (Vernon Rainford) — (more information requested)
* France Nooks - Stabbed Tuesday 6, February 2018
* Freddie McKay — Died in 1987. (Heart attack)
* Free I — (Jeff Dixon) — Died Sep 11, 1987. (Shot)
* Fuzzy Jones — (Alty Salmon) — (more information requested)
While we were doing the research for this page we notice that most of
the deceased reggae artists were either killed by the knife or Gun.
deceased reggae artists G and H's
* Garnett Silk — (Garnett Smith) — Died on Dec. 10, 1994. (Killed by Fire).
* Gene Rondo — (Winston Lara) — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Gregory Anthony Issacs — Died in 2010. (lung cancer)
* General Echo — (Errol Robinson) — Died November 22nd 1980.(shot)
* Gregory Peck — (Gregory Williams) — more information requested.
* Gurney Man — (Thomas Heath) — Died in May 2001. (more info requested)
* Hortense Ellis — Died October 18, 2000. (Respiratory complications)
* Hugh Mundell — more information requested
* I-Roy — (Roy Reid) — Died Nov 30, 1999. (Heart attack)
* Jack Ruby — (Lawrence Lindo) — Died in 1989. (Heart attack)
* Jackie Edwards — Died August 15th 1992. (Heart attack)
* Jackie Mittoo — Died December 16, 1990. (Cancer)
* Jackie Opel — (Dalton Sinclair-Bishop) — (Car crash) more information requested
* Jacob Miller — aka Killer Miller - Died Mar. 23, 1980. (Car crash)
* Jah Jerry — (Jerome Hines/Haynes) — Died August 13, 2007. (more information requested)
* Jah Lloyd — (Pat Francis) — Died in 1999. (Shot)
* Jennifer Lara — Died June 11, 2005. (Brain hemorrhage)
* Joe Gibbs — (Joel A. Gibson) — Joe Gibbs, Died 21st February 2008. (Heart attack)
* Joe Higgs — Died December 18, 1999. (Heart attack)
* John Jones — Died October 23, 2000.(Heart attack)
* Johnny 'Dizzy' Moore — (John Arlington 'Dizzy' Moore) —Died August 16 2008. (Cancer)
* Judge Dread — (Alex Hughes) — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Jungo Lawes — (Henry Lawes) — Died June 13th 1999.(Shot)-(Founder of the Volcano label)
* Junior Braithwaite — (the Wailers) — Died June 2, 1999. (Shot)
* Junior Delgado — (Oscar Hibbert) — Died on April 10, 2005.(Natural Causes)
* Justin Hinds — Died March 16th 2005.(Cancer)
* Justin Yap — Died December 1999. (Natural Causes)
Back to the top of deceased-reggae-artists
deceased reggae artists K-N
* Keith Hudson — Died in 1984.(Cancer)
* Ken Khouri — (Kenneth Khouri) — Died Sept. 20th, 2003. (Natural Causes)
* King Tubby — (Osbourne Ruddock) — Died in 1989. (Shot)
* Lacksley Castell — more information requested
* Lee Copthall — Died May 29th 1997. (more informationn requested)
* Lee Van Cliff — more information requested.
* Lennie Hibbert — Died mid 1980's. (more information requested)
* Leslie Kong — Died in 1971. (Heart attack)
* Lloyd Campbell — (Blues Busters) — Died January 1992.
* Louise Fraser-Bennett — Died Oct. 12th 2003.
* Lucky Dube — (Ermelo Dube) — Died October 18, 2007. (Shot)
* Lui Lepke — more information requested.
* Major Worries — Died in 1987. (Shot)
* Margurita — Died Jan 2, 1965. (murdered by Don Drummond)- (Stabbed)
* Mao Chung — (Geoffery Chung) — Died November 1995. (kidney failure)
* Michael Smith — Died in 1980. (Stoned to Death)
* Michael Leopold Williams — (Zap Pow) — Died August 9, 2005. (natural causes)
* Mikey Dread — (Michael George Campbell) — Died March 15, 2008.(Cancer)
* Mickey Simpson — more information requested.
* Mikey Wallace — Died July 6, 1999. (Shot)
* Nicky Thomas — more information requested.
* Nicodemus — (Cecil Wellington) — Died Aug 26, 1996.(Natural Causes)
* Nitty Gritty — Died in 1991. (shot)
deceased reggae artists O-R
* Oneil Edwards- Died May 26, 2010.
* Oral Desulme — Died July 11, 2002. (shot)
* Pablo Stewart — (Paul Stewart) — Died July 2002. (Cancer)
* Pan Head — October, 1993. (Shot)
* Papa Pilgrim — Died Oct. 5th 2003. (Stroke)
* Paul Tyrell — Died Febuary. 24th 2004. (Shot)
* Peter Tosh — (Peter McIntosh) — Died Sep 11, 1987. (Shot)
* Phillip James — (Blues Busters) — Died in New York 1989. more information requested
* Phillip Linton — Died March 4, 2004. (Shot)
* Phyllis Dillon — Died April 15th 2004. (Cancer)
* Pops Laing — Denzil (Keith) Laing — Died August 4th, 1989.
* Prince Far I — Died September 15, 1983. (Shot)
* Puma Jones — (Sandra Jones) — Died Jan 28, 1990. (Cancer)
* Raleigh Gordon — (the Maytals) — Died Dec 1994.
* Ras Pidow — Died March 2001.
* Roland Alphonso — Died November 20, 1998.(medical complications)
* Roman Stewart — Died 25 January 2004. (Heart attack)
* Roy Shirley — (Ainsworth Roy Rushton) — Died July 17, 2008.
* Ruddy Thomas — Died June 10, 2006. (Heart attack)
deceased reggae artists S-W
* Sidney Wolfe — Died in 1998. (more information requested)
* Simpleton — (Christopher Harrison) — Died November 14th 2004.
* Sir Coxone Dodd — (Clement Dodd) — Died May 4th 2004. (Heart attack)
* Sonia Pottinger - Died in 2010 (Alzheimer's disease)
* Sir J.J. — (Carl Johnson) — Died in 1971. (Shot)
* Slim Smith — (Keith Smith) — Died in 1972. (Unknown cause of death)
* Stephen Taylor — (the Ethiopians) — Died in 1975. (Car crash)
* Sugar Minott - Died 10 July 2010. (Heart complications)
* Tennessee Brown — (Clinton Brown) — Died March 1999. (Heart attack)
* Tenor Saw — (Clive Bright) — Died August 1988. (killed by a speeding car in Houston)
* Theophilus Beckford — Died February 19, 2001. (Chopped)
* Tommy McCook — Died May 4, 1998. (Heart attack)
* Toyan — more information requested.
* Trevor Sparks — Died March 25 2004. (Stroke)
* Tyrone Evans — (the Paragons) — Died October 19, 2000. (more information requested)
* Tyrone Taylor — Died December 1, 2007. (Cancer)
* Victor Cross — Died September 2000. (Car crash)
* Winston Grennan — Died October 27th 2000. (Cancer)
* Winston Wright — Died in 1994. (Heart attack)
* Yabby You - Died March 2010. (stroke)
Some of these deceased reggae artists did not get much recognition for the work they did during there time.
Dancehall Selector Producer Niko Chromatic is Dead He Lost the battle With Kidney Disease - Kimberly Mais has been left devastated by the death of her love, Niko Chromatic, who passed away Tuesday evening.
Post your comments or information about a Reggae or Dancehall artiste who has pass on.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Dutty Wine Inventor Junior History is Dead
Popular Montego Bay dancehall artiste Junior History is dead.
The entertainer passed away on October 23, 2018. He was suffering from ill health for …
Dancehall Entertainer Jay Blaxx Shot and Killed
Upcoming dancehall artiste Jay Blaxx was shot and killed in the community of Granville, St James on August 28, 2018.
Reports reaching us are that Jay …
Veteran Reggae Music Producer Lloyd Campbell Is Dead
Lloyd Campbell, veteran record producer of Joe Frasier and Spiderman Productions, died yesterday October 4th at the Sunrise Medical Center in Florida at …
Recording Artiste Bastic fatally stabbed in dispute over female
The Westmoreland police are in pursuit of a man who stabbed to death dancehall artiste Ricardo 'Bastic' Patterson after the two were involved in a dispute …
Johnny Ringo
Died of unknown cause.
Johnny Ringo (born Bradley Miller, 1961, Jones Town, Kingston, Jamaica, died Kingston 1 July 2005) was a reggae/dancehall deejay …
Upcoming Dancehall Artiste “Rhonda” Shot Dead In Hanover
A promising young female artiste Ronda; was gunned down along Zion Road in Hopewell,Hanover, late Friday evening.
Dead is 26-year-old Ronda Morris, …
Joseph Hill (Culture)
Collapsed and died after a concert in Germany in 2006 (Wikipedia).
A unique voice and songs which will never be forgotten.
J.O.E - Jah Ova Evil aka Little Joe
Died in 2011 of brain aneurysm
Producer/Engineer Philip Smart Dead
Prolific engineer/producer Philip Smart died Tuesday in Port Washington, New York.
Smart, whose Long Island studio was the hub for reggae/dancehall …
Legendary Reggae singer John Wayne is dead.
Reports reaching us are that the singer who was ailing for some time, died this morning January 30, 2014, at the Kingston Public Hospital from kidney failure. …
Doctor C
Died of natural causes
Producer Patrick "Roach" Samuels Killed by Hoodlums Early This Morning September 15, 2013
Popular dancehall producer Patrick Samuels o/c "Roach" was shot and killed by unknown assailants along a section of Mannings Hill road in St. Andrew this …
Passa Passa "Madusa" Died on September 5, 2013.
Popular passa passa street dance mother Madusa is dead, She died on September 5, 2013 of natural cause.
The name Madusa was given to her by the selectors …
Hugh Mundell was killed in 1983
was killed in 1983
Danny Sims former producer of Bob Marley dies at age 75
Few people outside of the Caribbean knew who Bob Marley was when Danny Sims heard him perform in 1968. But Mr. Sims knew Marley was something special …
Captain Barkey found dead with Gun Shot Wounds to his Head
October 13, 2012 - Police are investigating after a man and a woman were found dead early Saturday morning outside a motel in the Bronx.
Police say …
Papa Ranking Toyan (Remembered)
My nane is Rev. Garba Musa. I am a pastor. I started hearing reggae in 1974. I so much like music more than any kind of music.
I have so many reggae …
Reggae singer Vic Taylor died on Monday June 23rd 2003
Vic Taylor was a Jamiacan singer who was in well known Jamaican groups, Skatalites and Byron Lee & the Dragonaires. He died in 2003.
Taylor was once …
Veteran Reggae artiste Ranking Trevor is dead (August 7, 2012)
Ranking Trevor died on August 7, 2012. Reports are that the was hit off his motorcycle.
His Life Story
Ranking Trevor has been largely ignored …
Sluggy Ranks died on July 29, 2012
Andrew Phillip Gregory aka Sluggy Ranks had a car accident in Jamaica on Sunday July 29, 2012. He was taken to Kingston Public Hospital, where he died. …
Scott "Scotty Riddim" Korchak
Scott Korchak, singer and trumpet player of the Blue Riddim Band, passed away Saturday, Sept. 15, 2007. He was 57.
He had been in an induced coma in …
Mikey Simpson
Stabbed to death along James Ave in Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Papa Richie
One of the best DJ or if not the best DJ from Montego Bay Papa Richie died in 1987...stab
Hugh Mundell
Many years ago I read articles about Hugh Mundell's untimely death.
Reportedly he was shot in his car over a dispute with a suspect who allegedly broke …
Ken Lazarus.
I do not know how and when Ken Lazarus died.
Barry Llewellyn of "The Heptones" is dead
Barry Llewellyn from Jamaican rocksteady and reggae group "The Heptones' is dead.
Llewellyn died on Wednesday, Nomvember 23, 2011 in the Kingston …
Leonard Sparrow Dillon
Lead singer Sparrow of the legendary reggae group The Ethiopians died on September 28, 2011.
Sparrow who was born Leonard Dillon died at his daughter’s …
Davion "Burro" Bailey
Davion Bailey otherwise called ‘Burro’ was gunned down at a recording studio on Dumbarton Avenue, Kingston 10 on September 12, 2011, by unknown assailants. …
dancehall reggae artiste Fathead
I've been told by reputable sources that Fathead was murdered in Miami,Florida in 1983.
I've been told by several reputable sources that dancehall reggae artiste Toyan aka Rankin Toyan was murdered back in 1991 in Jamaica
Risto Benji shot and Killed
Dancehall artiste Risto Benji who's real name is Michael Benjamin was shot and Killed on Monday May 16, 2011 in an area known as "Vietnam" in Church Pen, …
reggae artiste Simple Simon
Jamaica’s Foundation Dancehall Singer Simple Simon …
Reggae singer Dennis Emmanuel Brown
Reggae Singer Dennis Brown. Born Dennis Emmanuel Brown on February 1, 1957 in Kingston, Jamaica.
Dennis was also known as the Prince of reggae. Brown …
producer Daniel 'Blaxxx' Lewis is dead
he producer reportedly succumbed to cancer on March 17, 2011.
Blaxxx was known for rhythms such as 'Blackout' which featured popular hits Picture This …
Desmond Mtenga
Desmond Mtenga was found dead at his parent house in Tanzania, on the 15th of February 2011.
The 42-year old drummer, was one of the founding members …
Banana man
Banana man died in 2002 after falling off a wall on which he was sleeping at 8 Ball Bar in Ocho Rios.
baby wayne
Dancehall Deejay Baby Wayne was one of the most humorous Deejay in jamaica in the 90s his song "Mama" was one of the best but he was caught up with the …
Dwayne "Bobby Genius" Haughton shot dead in New York
New York police have confirmed that a Jamaican dancehall artiste who tried to break up a fight outside a Queens banquet hall was the city's first 2011 …
Soca legend Arrow died at age sixty
Soca legend Arrow has died after fighting cancer for some time. He had being fighting brain cancer for over a year.
Reports are that after returning …
J Capri Dead at Age 23
The dancehall fraternity was sent in a state of shock on December 4th, when news started circulating that popular dancehall artiste J Capri had succumbed …
dancehall reggae singer and performer Nicky Thomas
Apparently committed suicide in 1990. A great singer and performer.
After working as a labourer along with future members of The Gladiators, Thomas's …
dancehall reggae artiste Bobby Culture
Bobby was murdered the 17th of march in 1994 when he was shot in the head during a robbery.
Stewart Nelson
What about that kid Stewart Nelson "I miss you" who died way back in 1982.
The song is produced by Tommy Cowan on Rave Music Record label.
Stuart …
Prince Buster Died Of Health Complications
Cecil Bustamente Campbell OD, better known by the stage name Prince Buster, was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and producer. He was regarded as one of the …
Everson Matafale Not rated yet
Police custody related death
Mighty King Kong Not rated yet
YEAR OF DEATH IS 2007 . cause of death is food poison , died in KNH while receiving treatment
Christopher Hewie Not rated yet
Kris Kris died in London of stomach cancer 2015. Artist singer songwriter producer musician.
Christopher Hewie Long time Rasta did A Waan You veteran, …
dobby dobson Not rated yet
Highland Ralph Dobson OD (5 July 1942 – 21 July 2020) was a Jamaican reggae singer and record producer, nicknamed "The Loving Pauper" after one of his …
Reggae Music's Icon Toots Hibbert is Dead Not rated yet
Reggae music's legend Toots Hibbert is dead. Toots died on Friday, September 11, 2020, at the University Hospital of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. …
Shenseea Mourns the Death of Her Mother Not rated yet
Dancehall artiste Shenseea is in mourning following the death of her mother. The artist made the announcement via her official Instagram page on June 25th, …
Reggae Producer Bobby Digital is Dead Not rated yet
One of Reggae Music's greatest and world-renown producer Bobby Digital is dead. He did on May 21st, 2020. He was 59 years old.
Bobby Digital whose birth …
Dancehall artiste Mr Chicken is Dead Not rated yet
Mr Chicken former member of the world-renowned Dutty Cup Crew is dead.
Mr Chicken whose real name is Henry Peter Dyer died on Monday 27th, April 2020, …
Albert Apple Gabriel Craig of Isreal Vibration is Dead Not rated yet
Albert "Apple Gabriel" Craig one of the founding members of Reggae music group Israel Vibration is dead.
He died on March 23, 2020 in the United States …
Reggae Music's Legend Bob Andy is Dead Not rated yet
Reggae music's legend Bob Andy whose real name is Keith Anderson died on March 27th, 2020 at his home in St Andrew, Jamaica. He was 75 years old.
A …
Reggae singer Albert Tomlinson a.k.a Been Byrd a.k.a Lyric has died Not rated yet
Albert Tomlinson started his life in music as an artist and session singer at Randy’s and Studio One.
His voice was heard on numerous records issued …
Singer Song Writer Ray (Beshara) Watts Not rated yet
Died February 12, 2000. (organ failure)
Ray "Beshara" Watts (26 January 1957 – 12 February 2000) was a singer and songwriter born on the island …
Reggae Singer K C White is Dead Not rated yet
K C White, a soulful vocalist whose recording career began in the 1970s, died last week in his native Portland.
Ian Lewis of the Inner Circle Band, …
Louie Rankin aka Teddy Bruck Shut is Dead Not rated yet
Veteran dancehall artiste Leonard Forbes aka Louis Rankin aka Teddy Bruck Shut, actor and dancehall artiste passed due to fatal accident he was involved …
Reggae artiste Daddigon Not rated yet
Reggae star Daddigon was shot in the back and killed on the night of Thursday, January 27, 2005 in Kingston, Jamaica.
The singer, most recognized for …
Eddie Lovette Not rated yet
Reggae artiste Eddie Lovette, Lovette died of lung cancer on April 29, 1999
Recording artiste Jackie Opel Not rated yet
Jackie opel died in car crash coming from a show at the pepperpot night club when he struck a utility pole in bay street st,Michael,I heard he had a female …
Henry Lawes (1960-1999) Not rated yet
Not sure whether it was a typo or an actual error but Henry Lawes was known as Junjo Lawes, not Jungo Lawes as in your listing.
I happen to live in …
Junior Frost (Robert Williams) Lyrics Degree Not rated yet
died 5th March 2018 of long term illness Emphysema (Lung Condition)
Reggae singer Michal Prophet Not rated yet
MICHAEL Prophet, one of the many roots singers who emerged from the Jamaican dancehall during the 1980s, died in London last Saturday at age 60.
Best …
Peter Broggs Not rated yet
Rise and shine legend Peter Broggs died in December 2016 due to complications from a stroke.
A voice that will be missed
Irvin 'Carrot' Jarrett gets musical send-off Not rated yet
Singers and players of instruments turned out in their numbers at the Webster Memorial United Church in St Andrew on Wednesday to pay tribute to the life …
Reggae Legend Ras Kimono Funeral Set for August 25, 2018 Not rated yet
The remains of Nigerian reggae legend, Ras Kimono, will be laid to rest in his home town, Onitsha Olona, Delta State, this August.
Ras Kimono died …
Carrot Jarrett Former Third World Band Member is Dead Not rated yet
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Irvin “Carrot” Jarrett, former member of reggae band Third World, was found dead at his home today.
His death was confirmed by current …
Frankie Paul Not rated yet
Died 18/5/2017 . Reason operation.
Something made me look him up & I was shocked & saddened as it happened even less than a year ago . This is 10/4/2018 …
Michael Prophet is dead, He Passed Away on December 16, 2017. Not rated yet
MICHAEL Prophet, one of the many roots singers who emerged from the Jamaican dancehall during the 1980s, died in London last Saturday at age 60.
Best …
Dancehall - Reggae Producer Corey "Mineral Boss" shot dead in Caymanas Bay Not rated yet
The entertainment fraternity is mourning the death of dancehall artiste Cleon 'Corey Mineral Boss' Jones who was shot and killed Tuesday morning at his …
Reggae artiste Junior Murvin Not rated yet
Junior Murvin aka Murvin Junior Smith died on 2.December 2013, cause of death was Diabetes.
Dancehall artiste Unycorn shot and killed by gunmen Not rated yet
Popular Dancehall artiste, Donovan McMurray, more popularly known as Unycorn, was reportedly shot and killed by gunmen yesterday.
Reports are are that …
Music Producer "True Blu" shot and killed by gunmen Not rated yet
Popular music producer Tru Blue was reportedly shot and killed by gunmen on Friday night.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Corporate Communications …
Reggae Singer Madoo is dead Not rated yet
SINGER Osbert 'Madoo' Maddo, who had big hits in the early 1980s with Jamming So and Coming From Town, died Sunday in the United States.
His brother, …
Gaza Maxwell stabbed to death Not rated yet
Dancehall artiste Gaza Maxwell died on Monday September 25, 2017, after being stabbed by an unidentified male in a studio in Springfield, St Thomas. …
Reggae Music Trombonists Ronald 'Nambo' Robinson Is Dead Not rated yet
Trombonist Ronald “Nambo” Robinson, a prolific session musician who worked with reggae's greats, died this morning January 25, 2017 at his St Andrew home. …
Dancehall artist Patrick Waite - (Musical Youth) Died early 1990s Not rated yet
Dancehall and Reggae music recording artiste Patrick Waite, died in the early 1990s cause of death unknown.
Ricky Tuffy Dancehall and Reggae Music Artist Killed by Police Not rated yet
Ricky Tuffy shot by police in 2008.
Two men were reportedly shot dead by the police last night in Old Harbour, St. Catherine.
The dead men have …
Reggae artist Smiley Culture Not rated yet
Died on 15 March 2011, aged 48, during a police raid on his home. An inquest found that his death was a suicide.
Reggae star Smiley …
Reggae artist Tenor Fly Has Passed Away. Not rated yet
Jonathan Sutter AKA Tenor Fly died suddenly on 17 June 2016.
Legendary British MC and vocalist Tenor Fly has passed away.
The artist was perhaps …
Reggae Music's Bobby Ellis Is Dead, He died from Pneumonia related illness Not rated yet
Bobby Ellis, the influential trumpeter who played on a number of groundbreaking Jamaican songs, died Tuesday 18th October 2016 at age 84.
Bobby Ellis …
Reggae Music's Drummer Style Scott Not rated yet
Ace drummer for Roots Radics band was shot and killed on the 9th of October 2014 in Mandeville.
LINCOLN 'Style' Scott, an original member of the influential …
Dancehall Artiste / Entertainer, Food Kartel is Dead! Not rated yet
Dancehall artiste Courtney 'Food Kartel' Broughton is dead. He died on Wednesday night, only a few days after it as suspected that he had suffered a stroke. …
Ska pioneer Prince Buster laid to rest in Jamaica, September 2016 Not rated yet
THE FUNERAL of ska pioneer Cecil Bustamante Campbell, more commonly known as Prince Buster, took place on Saturday (Sept 24) at the Islamic Council of …
Dancehall Artiste Jamari Killed Execution Style In Falmouth Not rated yet
Upcoming dancehall entertainer Jamari Reid was gunned down execution style by two men who invaded his Falmouth Gardens, Trelawny home Wednesday night August …
Red Dragon Not rated yet
Leroy May (c. 1966–31 July 2015), better known as Red Dragon and initially as Redman, was a Jamaican deejay he was active since the early 1980s.
Wycliffe Johnson from Steely and Clevie Not rated yet
Wycliffe 'Steely' Johnson, who died on September 1 aged 47, was one half of the highly successful and influential Jamaican production duo Steely & Clevie. …
Jamaica's Music Legend Winston Merritone Blake Death and History Not rated yet
Jamaican music legend Winston ‘Merritone’ Blake has died.
Blake died this morning February 27th, 2016 from health complications. He is being remembered …
Reggae Music Singer Ranking dread Not rated yet
Ranking Dread (born Winston Brown; c. 1955 – 1996) was a Jamaican reggae deejay who grew up in the Kingston ghettos of Rema and Tivoli.
He became famous …
Sluggy Ranks Not rated yet
He died on 29 July 2012 as a result of injuries sustained in a car crash
Captain barkey Not rated yet
Died in NY on Gunhill rd in a motel. Lovers quarrel I think.
Errol "ET" Felton Thompson Not rated yet
'ET' Errol Thompson studio engineer with Randys Records and Joe Gibbs recording. Died 2004 from a stroke.
Robi Peart ( lead singer, guitarist and founder of chalice band) Not rated yet
Robi Peart died on August 5th 2015 at home with his family. He was 61 years old
Veteran Dancehall Artiste Red Dragon Is Dead! Not rated yet
Veteran dancehall artiste Red Dragon died in hospital after battling with an undisclosed illness for some time.
The entertainer best known for the monster …
Recording artiste Fat Head Not rated yet
Fat Head was shot and Killed in Miami in 1985.
Anchor Studio Audio Mastering Engineer Delroy Thompson aka Spider is dead Not rated yet
Veteran Audio Mastering Engineer Delroy Thompson aka Spider has died.
Music News understands that Spider who last worked at Gussie Clarke’s Anchor Recording …
Wayne Smith Not rated yet
Wayne Smith (5 December 1965 – 17 February 2014) was a Jamaican reggae and dancehall musician best known for his 1985 hit "Under Mi Sleng Teng", which …
Lucky Dube Not rated yet
Lucky Dube was never called Ermelo Dube but he was born Lucky Dube and Ermelo is his place of birth which is a few miles out of Johannesburg.
sluggy ranks ( andrew phillip greogry} Not rated yet
Died in car crash in stony hill Kingston Jamaica July 29 2012.
Clement Dodd Jnr Died February 5, 2015 Not rated yet
Clement Dodd Jnr, son of legendary music producer Clement “Coxson” Dodd, died February 5 in New York City at age 56.
His younger brother, Courtney Dodd, …
Trevor Roper Not rated yet
Trevor Roper former Chalice lead singer passed away in Chicago the 2nd of January 2013 at the age of 59 after long battle with cancer. Will miss a great …
John Holt Facts about his death Not rated yet
Having been taken ill at the One Love Festival on 16 August, Holt died on 19 October 2014 in the Wellington Hospital in London. He had been diagnosed with …
John Holt. Is dead, The Veteran Singer died at age 67 pt1 Not rated yet
His voice has been associated with some of the sweetest songs to have been produced in Jamaica, and perhaps not enough has been said of the greatness …
John Holt. Is dead, The Veteran Singer died at age 67 pt2 Not rated yet
In 1970, both Barrett and Evans emigrated to the USA to join their relatives, a move which literally dissolved the group. Holt stepped up the pace as he …
Reggae Singer Hopeton Lewis is Dead Not rated yet
Reggae singer Hopeton Lewis passed away last night September 4th, 2014 at his home in the United States surrounded by close friends.
The 66-year-old …
The Jolly Boys Member Joseph Bennett is Dead Not rated yet
Joseph Bennett, a member of the Jolly Boys band died Wednesday morning.
Affectionately known as ‘Powda’, Bennett was 76 years old.
The Jolly Boys …
Photo of Jah Big Not rated yet
A photo of Jah Big from The Reggae Calender May 1987 by Corbett Harvey Bowers I
Dancehall artiste Propally is dead Not rated yet
Reports are that the upcoming dancehall artiste died in a bike accident early Saturday morning July 26th, 2014.
Propally is well known for hit singles …
wayne smith Not rated yet
smith was admitted to the kingston public hospital on feb 14 2014 with severe stomach pains, suffered a heart attack and died on feb 17 2014 at the age …
Devon Russell Not rated yet
Devon Russell passed in 1997, not 1977 like listed. RIP to all these one-of-a-kind artists... Bless, David
wayne smith Not rated yet
Suffered a heart attack and passed away on 17th February 2014
Errol (Archer) Scorcher Not rated yet
Scorcher was not shot and killed in 1982.
He operated a trucking business on Waltham park Rd up to a few years ago.
Died of natural causes. Google …
Chad Young, CEO & MD of IRIE and ZIP FM passes away February 27, 2014 Not rated yet
At approximately 5:00 pm this afternoon (Thursday, February 27, 2014), Chad Young, the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of IRIE FM and ZIP …
Wayne 'Sleng Teng' Smith is Dead Not rated yet
Recording artiste Wayne Smith who recorded the number one hit Under Mi Sleng Teng died today February 17th 2014, in Jamaica of a heart attack.
Sleng …
Lead singer of the iconic reggae band, Third World, William 'Bunny Rugs' Clarke is dead Not rated yet
Clarke, who would have turned 66 this Thursday, February 6, passed away last night in a hospital in Orlando, Florida.
He had been diagnosed with cancer …
Doctor C Not rated yet
Doctor C was a METRO Media ARTIST AND SINGER OF THE 80S era. I am not sure of the cause of death but heard it on an interview from the white DJ DOMINICK …
Junior Murvin Died on December 2, 2013 Summers Town Road in Port Antonio Not rated yet
Portland:Legendary Jamaican reggae musician, Junior Murvin, best known for the single Police and Thieves, is dead.
The Portland-based singer reportedly …
Reggae Singer Peter Tosh's Mother Alvera Coke Dies At 96 Not rated yet
The mother of legendary entertainer Peter Tosh has died.
Alvera Coke who was ailing for some time died in Westmoreland on Sunday at the age of 96. Peter …
roach Not rated yet
jah know life come an go but the good people dem alwayz gane first yow........dem time ago come
Prince Jazzbo passes aways at age 62, On September 11th, 2013 Not rated yet
Linval Roy Carter more popularly known as Prince Jazzbo celebrated his 62nd birthday on September 3rd. Unfortunately, this would be the Jamaican music …
Lloyd Charmers ska and reggae singer, keyboard player and record producer. Not rated yet
Lloyd Charmers (born Lloyd Tyrell, 1938 – 27 December 2012)
Charmers died on 27 December 2012 from a myocardial infarction (heart attack) in London …
Reggae singer Eyob Mekonnen died on August 12, 2013 Not rated yet
ETHIOPIAN reggae singer Eyob Mekonnen died on August 12 in Kenya at age 37.
A story on the British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) website said Mekonnen …
Joseph Hill Not rated yet
Died 19 August 2006 (Stroke)
Apache Chief died on July 11, 2013 (Unknown Cause of Death) Not rated yet
Comedian Garnet Allen, more popularly known as Apache Chief, one half of the comedic duo Apache Chief and Sarge, died yesterday at the Spanish Town Hospital …
Courtney Crooks aka Dj Genius High Tension Selector (Died June 8, 2013) Not rated yet
Courtney Crooks aka Dj Genius died of lung cancer on June 8 at the Kingston Public Hospital. He was 35 years old.
He was buried on June 14th, 2013.
Eric "Redz" Morton dies on June 6, 2013 Not rated yet
Laguna Beach lost one of its reggae legends Thursday.
Eric "Redz" Morton, a bassist who helped start The Rebel Rockers band has died, friend Nick Hernandez …
Hugh Griffiths Not rated yet
He was a reggae singer who did Ballet,So Much Love To Give You,Mr Brown etc.Dont remember when he died,but it could be in the 2000's.
Jah Big Not rated yet
Jah Big was a reggae artist in the California scene in the 1980's.
Jamaican Reggae Producer Harry Johnson Dies Not rated yet
Harry Johnson, a Jamaican musician and reggae producer whose studio was a popular hangout for artists including Bob Marley and Mick Jagger, has died. He …
King Stitt Not rated yet
Jan 2012- the inventor of toasting...Reggae's first KING
Reggae Photographer Diane Osborne died on February 9, 2013 Not rated yet
Reggae photographer better known as Diane Issachar has died.
Diane who was recently diagnosed with cancer of the liver died on Saturday in California. …
Dancehall artiste Beela Shot and Killed by Police Not rated yet
Montego Bay base dancehall artiste Beela was shot and killed on February 8, 2013 in Norwood, St James, Jamaica by police officers.
Beela seen here …
Wayne Carter aka Major Worries Not rated yet
Major Worries was shot and killed by a police man in 1987.
Hugh Mundell Not rated yet
Hugh Mundell (Hugh Mundell) -- shot to death in Kingston in 1983.
A teenage prodigy, at the age of 16, Mundel recorded Africa Must Be Free.
George 'Little Bop' Clarke of Mystic Revelation died on January 8, 2013 Not rated yet
GEORGE 'Little Bop' Clarke, an original member of seminal roots group Mystic Revelation of Rastafari, died on January 8 at his Rockfort, St Andrew, home. …
Trevor Roper from the group Chalice is dead Not rated yet
Trevor Roper, former lead singer and guitarist with the band Chalice, died Wednesday January 2, 2013 in Chicago. He was 59.
Mary Miller, a close friend …
Dennis Brown Not rated yet
Dennis Brown was and is my favourite long time reggae artitit, even though he passed away nearly 13 years it seems like he is still here live and kicking, …
Matthew McAnuff stabbed and Killed Not rated yet
Matthew McAnuff, up-and-coming artiste and son of veteran singer Winston McAnuff, is dead.
A police report said he had another man had a dispute. …
Panamanian Dancehall reggae artist Danger Man AKA Alonzo Blackwood Not rated yet
Panamanian Dancehall reggae artist Known as "el rey Del Ghetto" (the King of the ghetto).
Danger man was a member of the Panamainian group called Scare …
Flava Squad Entertainment CEO, Selvin Ewan McRae Shot and Killed Not rated yet
The music world once again tries to pick up the pieces following a sudden tragedy as the CEO of Flava Squad Entertainment, Selvin ‘Ewan’ McRae has died. …
Bob Marley Not rated yet
By...Linda Mary Kwarteng-nee Tyler
Most of the above artists were the backbone of a new society,one that cannot ne annulled,we your fans lovers and …
Roy Wilson is Dead Not rated yet
Singer ROY Wilson has died at age 72 after ailing for some time.
Roy who was half of the veteran singing duo Higgs and Wilson died last Saturday in …
Vic Marley Not rated yet
A Malawian Dancehall down in Africa. The Artiste who did it big died in 2005 by a car accident.
Lloyd Brevett Skatalites Bass player died on May 3, 2012 Not rated yet
Reports are that Lloyd, who had been ailing for some time, died at the Andrews Memorial Hospital in St Andrew early Thursday morning May 3, 2012.
He …
Delroy 'Speedy' Sterling died on March 18, 2012 Not rated yet
Delroy 'Speedy' Sterling is dead.
Delroy 'Speedy' Sterling the founder of Canada's Reggae Music Achievement Award, died on Sunday March 18, 2012,
at …
King Stitt one of Reggae music's pioneer died at age 72 Not rated yet
King Stitt the reggae artiste who's birth name is Winston Sparks died on January 31, 2012 at his home in Kingston, Jamaica.
Stitt died after a long …
risto benji Not rated yet
Risto Benji died 18 may 2011 Jamaica
Errol Scorcher died on January 19, 2012 Not rated yet
The deejay who rose to prominence in the 1970's with the hit 'Roach Inna Di Corner' complained of having a headache and died shortly after.
Born Errol …
Winston Riley aka Mr Techniques died on January 19, 2012 Not rated yet
Winston Riley also known as Mr Techniques died on January 19, 2012 after months in coma after he was shot in the head on November 1, 2011.
Winston Riley …
ICE dancehall music dancer Not rated yet
Popular dancer David Alexander Smith aka "Ice" from the “Black Roses Crew” was shot and killed on December 26, 2008 on NewarK ave, in Kingston, Jamaica. …
Michael "Mikey Laing" Laing - Died August 2011 (Colon Cancer) Not rated yet
Michael "Mikey Laing" ReggaeArtist, promoter in New York And Jamaica died of colon cancer in August, 2011.
He was a member of JAVAA, (Jamaica Association …
Reggae producer Philip Fatis Burrell died on December 3 ,2011 Not rated yet
Dancehall reggae producer Philip Fatis Burrell is dead.
Fatis as he is also call is one of the veteran producer from the island of Jamaica the home …
Hip Hop and Dancehall artiste Heavy D died at age 41 Not rated yet
Hip Hop and Dancehall artiste Heavy D died at age 41 on Tuesday (November 8).
Heavy D is most popular in the dancehall music circle for the collaboration …
Joel Chin VP Record Produer Not rated yet
Joel Chin of producer of VP Records family shot and killed
Reports from the Stony Hill Police are that about 10:45 p.m., Chin was exiting his motor …
Skatalities member Lloyd Knibb dies at age 80 Not rated yet
Lloyd Knibb one of the founding member of the group Skatalites died on May 12, 2011 at him home in Kingston, Jamaica.
Reports are that he died from …
Smiley Culture is Dead Not rated yet
Reports are that the Reggae singer Smiley Culture died allegedly from self-inflicted stab wounds during a police operation at his home in East Surrey, …
Upcomming dancehall reggae artiste "Lil Joe" is dead Not rated yet
The dancehall reggae music industry has lost yet another young upcoming artiste.
This time it is Lil' Joe, Joe passed away at the University Hospital …
Copper Cat shot and Killed Not rated yet
Pot of Gold recording dancehall reggae artiste Copper Cat was shot and kill in Kingston, Jamaica on Thursday January 20, 2011.
Reports are that he was …
DIED OF PNEUMONIA on September 1, 2009.
Magarita Not rated yet
Stabbed to death by Don Drummond - not shot.
Sonia Pottinger Jamaica's first female record producer is dead Not rated yet
Legendary recording producer Sonia Pottinger OD (June 1931 - 3 November 2010) is dead.
She died at her home in Kingston on November 3, 2010. after suffering …
everybody who died by the gun Not rated yet
What a complete waste of talent. Some of these were just young men with a whole life ahead. Its so sad.
Lincoln Barrington "Sugar" Minott is Dead Not rated yet
Lincoln Barrington "Sugar" Minott (25 May 1956 - 10 July 2010 was a Jamaican reggae singer, producer and sound-system operator, has died. He was 54. …
Karl Young is Dead Not rated yet
Karl Young the founder and chairman of Grove Broadcasting Ltd is dead.
Reports are that he had reportedly been ailing for some time now, and was recovering …
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