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What's Your Favorite Chronixx Song

What's Your Favorite Chronixx Song - Roots Reggae music singer Chronixx has been credited as the man leading the charge to bring Reggae music back on to the front burner.

So how closely have you been following his career? Did you know that he was nominated for a Grammy for his album Chronology?.

Check out our page: "Things You Might Not have known about Reggae artist Chronixx"

I know you are here because you are a huge fan/lover of Reggae and Dancehall music.

Today we are asking you, yes you, which of Chronixx's songs are your favorite?.

For me, my favorite it "Tenement Yard" which features Inner Circle.

To pick your brain here is a list of some of his songs:

1. Here Comes Trouble:

2. Smile Jamaica:

3. Access Granted:

4. Most I:

5. Mi Alright:

6. Capture Land:

7. Somewhere:

8. Beat & a Mic:

9. Behind Curtain:

10. Like A Whistle:

11. Rastaman Wheel Out:

12. Aint No Giving In:

13. Champion:

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Read more about Reggae artist Chronixx here 

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