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Dancehall artiste Tall Up

Known for his versatile approach to music Tall Up has the ability to appeal to many thru his lyrical style.

An example of this is his current track "youths hungry and ah suffer" this track is currently re released as it has such a distinctive timely message for our younger generation today, a descriptive account of how worldwide the younger generation is without food, living in poverty or turning to other substitutes of survival in the streets which he has described in an almost gimmick portrayal to let this message heed into the minds of the younger youths and at same time enjoy the track.

Tall up has never despite many obstacles given up as a artist, being persistent and consistent always blessing the mic where he can, he has also performed at many of the major uk dancehall events that have taken place, Assassin and Aidonia, Tommy lee, gaza kim, and many more. His tracks have featured nationally on bbc 1xtra, choice fm and internationally as tall up recently just returned for an extended holiday/music trip to ja.

Tall up was able to put a face to the ever so popular name "tall up" in Jamaica where his fan base and supporters are ever growing, making him one of the most known uk artists in ja, who they have actually seen in the flesh.

Multi award winner Tall up has been liken to "BuJu Banton" his reggae songs convey "real life senerio's" yet is complimented by the real dancehall vibes for the girls and the dancehall. Like the track "fold her up" inspiration and his version from the mavado track "come round ah mi yard(riva stone riddim)".

Before the close of 2012 we will see a new video release of the track "youths hungry an ah suffer" and tall up will also taking his music across the waters again this year to Ghana.


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TALL UP - Youths Dem Hungry (Official Music Video) Not rated yet
Tall up - Youths Dem Hungry and a Suffer (Official Music Video) New and Exclusive TALL UP aka T.U.- Dancehall Track - Yutes Dem Hungry and a Suffer …

Ras Strika say !!! Not rated yet
Ras Strika say ,Tall Up to di world. Real youth,hard working Artiest .Bless up Tu! I cu.

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