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Introducing Link Up Recordz Recording Artist Shayne Amani

Musically influenced by the church and his uncle at the early age of 6 years old Oshayne Foote knew his calling would lead him to music. Holding a mic at an early age was a natural thing and by 9 he was singing at his first church concert.

Maturing musically as he would over the years he adopted the moniker Shayne Amani. When asked about writing his first song at the age 11 and performing it for an audience he responded “Seeing how the audience reacted to my voice and lyrics it was right then I knew music was something to take seriously”.

While attending GC Foster College, at Wynter Pen Road in Spanish Town Shayne dove deep into songwriting during his second year and penned some great lyrics.

Now emerging as an artist on the rise look out for his music and support his mission by following him on social media and purchasing his singles such as Your Love, Won’t Let Then Hold Me Down, Hear My Cry & Hold On on iTunes.

Shayne Amani vibing his latest release "African Traditions" acoustically in Inity Studio.

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