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Recording Artiste Eldie Anthony Makes History

Recording artiste ELDIE ANTHONY has made history for not only himself but the genre of Reggae and Jamaica as well.  He is the first up-and-coming artist in the world who has ever released a full length debut double album at the launch of his career.

The album entitled BREAK FREE consists of two sides.  Side one is entitled BREAK FREE – REGGAE VIBRATION which was developed strictly for the Reggae lovers who want authentic Jamaican music with no influence of mainstream music.  

The second side of the album is entitled BREAK FREE – YAADSTREAM.  The word Yaadstream was created by Eldie Anthony and Christina Grand to describe the fusion of Jamaican and Mainstream music.  It is now considered as the official new title of the fusion genre which combines Jamaican music with Mainstream music such as Pop, Hip Hop and R Both sides of the BREAK FREE ALBUM are available online on most online stores such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and more.  Physical sales are available directly through the Reggae Embassy and Music Embassies and can be pre-ordered. Fans can purchase each side separately or the Special Edition album which consists of both sides in one.

Both albums were produced by Eldie Anthony and Music Embassies’ Executive Christina Grand.  However, many tracks were co-produced with composer/producer Askell of Vision House Records and Eldie’s cousin, David “Jukie” Leckie.  Music Embassies’ Musical Director and vocal trainer, Adriana Zabala, co-produced with Ms Grand on the song entitled, “Shut It Down” on the Yaadstream side of the album.

There is much more to come for Eldie Anthony.  This album marks the launch of his career.  An album release party is in the process of being planned for both Jamaica and the USA which is to be announced.

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